Ecological Asociation of Terrestrial Ecology - AEET
AEET main objective is to support research in Ecology. According to Article 2 of its statutes, "AEET aims at promoting and disseminating ecological studies that refer to terrestrial ecosystems, through meetings and publications." It also aims at responsibly applying ecological scientific knowledge to matters of public interest. Therefore, AEET is a society that does not exclusively have an academic and scientific goal, but that it also acts as a connection between science and society.
The Society currently brings together more than 800 members including students, researchers, academic staff, practitioners, and stakeholders from public and private corporations, as well as research and academic centers throughout the country.
Our Society has ten Working Groups of a very diverse nature. Some of them with a long and productive trajectory, which allows researchers dedicated to a specific field of Ecology to create a forum for the exchange of experiences, effective transfer of knowledge, techniques, methodology, etc.
We have a vibrant and incessant activity and organise several events throughout the year for sharing knowledge. We hold round tables, as well as other training activities, such as courses, workshops, seminars, outreach activities, etc. We also hold a biennial Congress on Terrestrial Ecology which is one of the most well-attended conferences in the field in Spain.
We are highly committed to early-career researchers. For example, AEET offers small research grants since 2011 - offered by regular competitive calls with the aim of funding research projects of early-career ecologists in the initial stages of their scientific career. These grants have proven the extraordinary productivity of early-career scientists. With this same sense of commitment, in 2013 the AEET started funding a postgraduate training school, that offers methodological courses, basic science courses and other more specialised courses from specific disciplines.
One of our most emblematic values is the journal Ecosistemas, a scientific and technical journal of ecology and environment that publishes research articles, reviews, opinion articles, reports, and interviews. It is published in digital format and in open dissemination, with an increasing number of visits and downloads.
Aware of the importance of the dissemination of science to society, in 2015, we launched the Ecology Outreach Blog, where we publish in a simple and clear language the main topics that Ecosistemas covers, as well as other topics important for society. We also have an active Twitter profile and issued press releases on topical issues.
The AEET brings together a large number of experts in different topics related to ecology and the environment, and as such we actively engage in internationally relevant issues related to ecology and conservation, such as the cataloging of habitats of the Natura 2000 Network and currently monitoring the conservation status of cataloged habitats.
We are also committed to establishing networks, collaborations and engaging in shared activities with other international Ecological Societies and Institutions. AEET is part of SIBECOL, EFF, and INTECOL. We have many non-Spanish members and we strongly encourage non-Spanish experts in ecology, regardless of career stage and pathway, to become members of our lively community and engage in the activities held in our Society.
We look forward to welcoming you!
The AEET is a Spanish non-profit scientific society registered in the Spanish National Registry of Associations on 03/07/1989 with reference number 87335 and CIF: G50359017. The registered office is located in the Department of Biology and Geology of the University Rey Juan Carlos, with address in Tulipán s/n, 28933, Móstoles, Madrid.